Friday, March 6, 2020

How To Soundproof Your Rehearsal Space | Soundproof Your Band Practice

Tips for Soundproofing Your Practice Space

If you're a musician, at some point during your career, you've probably struggled to find a good place to practice.


It's not only hard to find a spot suitable for you, but it's also hard to find a place that won't bother everyone else around you.


If your roommate is trying to study for an exam the next morning, the last thing they want to hear is you playing away at your saxophone. If your significant other had a long day at work, they probably don't want to hear your guitar amp turned up to 11.


A quiet rehearsal space is a godsend for a player looking for a place to practice their art.


After all, instruments are designed and set up to produce beautiful tones, as well as the volume that can project to the back of a concert hall. 


You could take precautionary steps like use a mute, but that will alter the tone, and you want to be able to hear yourself playing at full throttle to master your performance-level technique.


You could play your electric guitar or bass quietly or invest in an electronic drum set, but are these the best options?


Below are a few tips that can help you create a quieter rehearsal space without driving your family and friends (and neighbors) crazy.


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