Monday, October 3, 2022

How to Sing Higher Notes

Every singer has had that night where you just knew you couldn't hit it. 

Your voice seems to have suddenly lost its bottom as you prepare to sing that lovely high note, and you begin to crack like a 12-year-old boy.

Such vocal breaks are common, especially on high notes. Unfortunately, they can happen at any time, whether it's on stage in front of a large audience or in your home studio after too many vocal takes.

However, anyone can learn to sing the high notes effortlessly. It only needs a little practice and the right singing techniques.

If you can develop the ease with which you can hit those high notes, you'll be surprised at how much your vocal range can expand.

We'll go over a few techniques in the article that follows so you can sing high notes without straining your voice.


How to Sing High Notes

Reaching a specific pitch is what we mean when we talk about singing high notes.

Although we have no control over our vocal range, we can alter how much air pressure is applied to them.

Vocal cord stretching occurs when we sing high notes. The vocal cords vibrate more rapidly as a result, enabling us to reach higher pitches.

However, there is a drawback: Unlike rubber bands, our vocal cords are not elastic. They are not very elastic and are difficult to rebound from. So what occurs when we attempt to sing too loudly?

Our vocal cords produce a lower tone by slowly vibrating collectively.

Our vocal cords must be stretched out more if we want to sing a higher note. Additionally, the length of the cords will affect how quickly they vibrate. You can now sing a higher note as a result.

The higher the note we can produce, the further apart our vocal cords vibrate. 

Why is Your Vocal Range Important?

Everyone's singing voice has a vocal range. Audiences are savvy and they can tell if you're straining outside of your comfortable range.

Vocal range is the distance from your lowest to your highest pitch.

This is how you determine what notes you can sing without straining yourself. Regardless of voice type, almost any vocalist can hit high notes.

The fact that those notes sound good is what matters most, though.

So, let's concentrate on making high notes comfortable before you think about whistle register or how to sing vibrato.

Before we get into the meat of this article, a quick word of caution: Many people believe they must push themselves harder to reach those high notes.

However, pushing those high notes is likely what's holding you back. So you're probably performing these exercises wrong if you experience any pain or strain during them.

Now that we got that out of the way, here are a few ways to hit high notes without straining.


Tips to Consistently Hit Higher Notes While Singing 

Properly Warm Up

Warming up your vocal muscles is essential.

Similar to stretching before exercise, the more you stretch it, the more flexible it will become over time.

Your vocal muscles will become accustomed to being stretched if you consistently focus on doing so, making it easier and more comfortable to sing higher.

Humming or singing low notes is a common way for singers to warm up their voices.

You can sing higher notes more easily by doing this.

You can sing high notes without straining your throat by starting with low notes.

To find the one that works best for you, try out various songs. You might want to begin slowly and pick up speed gradually.

Your singing voice will benefit greatly from this daily practice.

Facial Relaxation

Some believe that opening up their mouth wider and exhaling more air is the best way to sing a high note.

Hurting yourself won't help you in any way. A higher note would be even worse if your neck veins protruded at every attempt.

Before singing, practice relaxing your face and mouth; this is a great way to avoid harm.

Put both of your trigger fingers over your chin and your thumbs on the fleshy area under your chin. Gently massage this area to ease the tension in the muscles.

Repeat while keeping your mouth open and your eyes as scrunched up as you can.

The face and jaw can be expanded with great yawning and deep breathing.

Stretch your neck and shoulders well; these areas likely hold a lot of stress that could affect your ability to sing.

The Lip Trill


One of the best vocal range-expanding exercises is the lip trill. Almost anyone can accomplish this.

The main benefit of lip trills is that they allow you to sing without straining from the bottom of your voice to the top.

Even if you struggle to sing high notes, you can typically sing them with a lip trill.

This is how to perform a lip trill:

  • Put two fingers in the center of your cheeks and vibrate your lips by blowing them together. As you blow air through the lips, you want them to bubble together uniformly.
  • Say the vowel "uh" behind the lips while the lips flop together to create some volume.
  • Next, choose a note that feels natural in your voice at the bottom (try C3 for men and G3 for women if you have a piano) and sing it while holding the "uh" vowel behind your lips.
  • Next, perform a siren by lip-trilling from a low note to a high tone and then back down.
  • Once you can smoothly transition from your lowest note to your highest note and back down, practice singing the lip trill from the bottom to the top of your voice.

Don't worry if you hear a break or crack in the middle of your voice. No matter how it sounds, trying to just let the trill extend to the top of your voice is preferable.


Humming Exercises

Another vocal range-expansion exercise is humming.

Humming is a simple way to improve a weak voice.

One of the best and simplest ways to hone your vocal abilities and warm up your vocal cords may initially appear absurd or unusual.

Place the tip of your tongue below your bottom teeth while practicing to keep your mouth shut and your jaw relaxed.

The secret is to focus on the "nnnn" or "mmmm" sound that results in a broader, deeper, and warmer tone of voice as you practice for 5 to 10 minutes per day.


The"ooh" Vocal Siren

Let's sing a vowel you might hear in a song now that you've warmed up with the lip trill.

The "ooh" vowel allows you to reach the highest notes in your voice without exertion, making the "ooh" vocal siren an excellent workout.

The vowel "ooh" might work wonders for you if your vocal cords are a little strained on those upper notes because it relaxes them.

The "ooh" vocal siren should sound like this:

  • Start by uttering the vowel "ooh" as if you were going to say "Oops."
  • Find a pitch in your voice that feels comfortable to start on (again, if you have a piano, try C3 for males and G3 for women) and sing the note with an "ooh" sound, as if you were saying "oops."
  • Perform a vocal siren by singing the "ooh" vowel on your highest note, your lowest note, and then your highest tone again.
  • Finally, try to sing the "ooh" siren smoothly and without breaking or straining your voice.


The "ee" Vocal Siren 

Let's focus on finding the appropriate vocal tone for singing now that you've identified your highest notes on the "ooh" vowel.

The "ee" vowel is quite similar to the "ooh," but it has a little more edge, which makes it sound cleaner.

How to perform the vocal siren with an "ee."

  • Start by articulating the vowel "ee" as you would the word "eat."
  • Then, sing the "ee" vowel on that note as if you were saying "eeeeeeeeat," finding a comfortable beginning pitch at the bottom of your voice.
  • Next, sing a vocal siren by going from your lowest note to your highest note and then returning to your lowest tone on the vowel "ee."
  • Once you feel confident performing this vocal siren, try to reach the peak without straining or breaking.

Do not continue if you have any pain.


If you want to learn more, click here for tips on how to singer higher notes.


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