Monday, April 13, 2020

Creating The Perfect Practice Space | Tips for the Best Music Space

Creating the Best Practice Space for Musicians

If you're a serious musician, there's a chance you've practiced your instrument huddled inside a closet, surrounded by dirty laundry. 


You've probably worked out scales after dark sitting in the back seat of your car. Maybe you've even practiced your favorite song's TABS in secluded corners of your local park and or turned your drum set into carefully placed pillows on your bed. 


Every musician has practiced in some pretty weird places. Places not ideal for sound quality or comfort, but they were places you could practice.


It want to get some practicing done, but despite your best efforts, you don't have anywhere to do it.


Whether you're traveling, working late, staying at a friend's house, or living in an apartment building where the neighbors have a strict quiet policy, sometimes it's hard to find a spot to practice. 


There are several obstacles you will encounter on your journey to perfecting your craft, but there is one very simple, yet very important factor that can affect your playing in a big way: your practice space.


The perfect practice space is easier to create than you may think. You should create a space that will serve your learning needs and inspire your creativity. 


When done right, you'll enjoy practicing regularly, so you continue growing as a musician.


Here are some things to think about as you develop your unique space for creating music. 



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