Friday, February 14, 2020

What Are We Listening to? | The Most Popular Themes In Songs

Five of the Most Common Themes in Music

Every song has a story to tell. Well, every good song, at least. Even a song without lyrics can take us on a journey using instruments, tone, rhythm, and dynamics.

The way each note is played can convey emotion and give us insight into what the musician is feeling.

Music can make us feel happy, upset, angry, sad, or an array of other emotions. There is always a song for us to dive into, no matter what mood we're in or how we want to feel.

Whether you spend your time listening to Mozart or Motley Crue, the one thing that connects every song is that they all have a theme. Themes are the main subject and pervasive idea that drive a song's narrative, style, and voice.

While there are certainly aspects that make songs different and unique, if you look closely among many song's subjects, you will notice a common list of themes. We will be breaking down 5 of the most common themes in songs.


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