Friday, August 2, 2019

How Does Music Affect Your Mood?

Why Does Music Affect Our Emotions?

Music has been around since the beginning of time.

Our earliest ancestors chanted, sang, danced, and beat on hand-made drums. Music has always been an integral part of the human experience.

From the early days of singing around campfires, until today where the music industry pulls in $43 billion a year, music has always been around.

Can you envision a life without music?

A world where your favorite musician is a doctor or lawyer, or construction worker because music doesn't exist?

A life where you can't turn on your favorite workout playlist for the gym? Or the pump-up song to boost your confidence for your big presentation?

If you can't, you are definitely not alone.

Music affects us on a much deeper level than just something that is good or fun to listen to.

Much like the food we eat, music has an impact on our brains and even our bodies. Researchers have pondered the possible therapeutic and mood-boosting benefits of music for centuries.

In the article below, we'll discuss how music can actually affect our mood.


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